Semalt — The Key To Success

None of today's companies can present their activities without registering their website on the Internet. A website must not just be created — it must work, it should be known by both potential customers and competitors. For this purpose, website advertising or promotion is indispensable. Semalt has taken on this challenging mission, and it should be noted that it has become a leader in website SEO-optimization. For a decade, Semalt has been successfully promoting sites to the top search engine positions. On its account, there are thousands of customers who have managed to succeed in the online business through innovative SEO technologies.
Those who tried to move on their own were disappointed in their hasty decision. Caught in a desperate situation, they had to ask Semalt for the rescue of their websites. We've always given them a helping hand. With our support, the site's traffic would increase greatly within a month. You can read stories on our website or see the real cases. It's all a part of Semalt's story with truthful description. Making people rich and happy is our common practice.
Site owners often mention Semalt, and not for nothing. It's not even about SEO optimization, it's about the effectiveness of methods proposed by the company. SEO itself goes through evolutionary development, it is important to keep up with the times and improve the technologies. That's why Semalt is at the top of fame and has no equal competitors. Thanks to its powerful team consisting of world-class professionals, it easily solves all the difficult tasks, which are beyond the possibilities of others.
The team consists of qualified managers, experienced IT professionals, SEO experts, analysts, copywriters, and designers. A versatile specialization allows you to achieve a result with minimal time. That's another reason why people choose Semalt. Each specialist knows several languages. Each of them has a great deal of experience in optimizing websites. We always turn to those who want to invest profitably without the risk of waste.
SEO facts

Internet sources are full of information concerning SEO. Meanwhile, not everyone understands the true purpose of this service. We will dispel all the myths and tell what you need it for. The purpose of promoting the website in different search engines is to get the information about your online business on the first page of search results for the most important requests. Why is it so important to be on the front page in the search engine? The answer is simple: because most users never look at the second and further pages, because they find the product or service they need on the first page of the search results. If your website doesn't take high positions, it will not be an effective source of customer attraction.
Search Engines Optimization (SEO) includes a number of actions:
- optimization of websites to meet the requirements of the search engines;
- registration of websites in the search engines, catalogues, ratings;
- websites promotion by increasing the number of links in them.
If you do competent SEO optimization, you not only increase website traffic, but simultaneously improve the user experience. Convenience and information give the visitor a reason to stay on the website longer, to return again, make orders, leave requisitions, and so on. The growth of traffic and improvement of the position on the website can be expected only with the use of factual SEO optimization. Before taking specific action in SEO, you need to decide on goals, strategies, and methods of promotion. Here, you can't do without Semalt services, offering only practical solutions. We'd like to draw your focus on AutoSEO and FullSEO, known as complex SEO optimization programs. Check out their structural principles and step-by-step operation review.
What you need to know about AutoSEO
AutoSEO is a well-organized campaign, which guarantees the promotion of your website to the top positions in the search engine. The campaign consists of a number of stages, each of them is compulsory. The AutoSEO takes place in the direct interaction with Semalt specialists. This is very important, as the company pro takes over responsibility for your successful outcome. A systematic change in the required website configurations will result in significant promotion in the search engine. The list of AutoSEO tasks is shown as follows:
- selecting appropriate keywords;
- website analysis;
- website research;
- website error correction;
- forming links to niche-related websites;
- ranking upgrade;
- customer support.
Registration on our website is a prerequisite for the launch of the AutoSEO. Right after the registration, the website analysis begins with the subsequent report. The analyzer checks the structure of the website according to SEO standards. All errors detected during the analysis are delivered to you in the form of a detailed report. You don't have to do any operations, our SEO engineer will take care of everything. The specialist will eliminate all errors and select the right keywords. The actions taken at this stage will lead to an increase in website traffic.
The next step is a thorough selection of internet links with their further insertion into various online resources. Search robots screen out irrelevant content, leaving only the websites with a sense value. That is why our experts pay special attention to the website content. The content must also match the links you've selected. The degree of relevance has a great significance; that is, the links are intended exclusively for impeccable internet resources. The process is absolutely safe for your website, as it's under constant supervision of the Semalt manager.
Further, the experts make the necessary changes to the website. The correct changes are provided by information from the primary report and FTP (File Transfer Protocol). This is a very significant step in the AutoSEO process, as the website begins to get progressively optimized after those changes. Semalt also monitors the ranking update. All the required keywords are entered in due time. Keyword verification and the content compliance assessment keep going without interruption. As you have noticed, for the most part, you act as an observer, optimization is performed by the company. A monthly AutoSEO package costs $99.
FullSEO campaign features
FullSEO campaign is the maximum optimization of the site in a shorter time. Internal and external optimization is carried out simultaneously. The result is achieved after a number of procedures aimed at improving the rating indicators of the website. FullSEO is also under the supervision of Semalt managers, and all actions are carried out by an SEO specialist. Such a method of optimization has proven to be fully effective. Success in the online business is guaranteed within a couple of months. Having passed all the stages of this campaign, you will find that the position of your competitors in the search engine has gone downwards.
To start the campaign, you need to register on our website. After the registration, the website analysis phase begins immediately. First, internal optimization is performed. The structure and its features are analyzed. The result of the analysis is delivered by the following report. Then the SEO expert sums up all the components of the website and determines the semantic core. In the process of the analysis, all the errors that need to be corrected are immediately identified. Progress is impossible without correcting those errors. The keywords are extremely important for traffic growth. However, the keywords identifying is a very crucial moment, so it is passed with particular accuracy. Using FTP access, the specialist makes appropriate changes to the website.
The next step is the external optimization. Here, the main task is to insert links into the niche resources. Your content should have a common sense with these resources. Once the links are entered, the website will be able to be transformed. SEO-experts show all their skills in the selection of the links and their insertion. Semalt has many verified websites on its account, with which it confidently works. These sites are used for links insertion with the full confidence of successful optimization. You are always aware of all the changes on the website and receive constant reports on the rating growth. FullSEO optimization stays under Semalt surveillance until the end of the campaign. You can contact the specialists at any time and request various information related to the website's position.
If SEO promotion is suspended, Google usually removes backlinks from the data archive over a certain time. It causes rankings' rapid fall. But don't worry too much about it, after the FullSEO campaign, rankings will remain in a fixed position. This position will, in any case, be higher than the one before the FullSEO launch. The cost of the service depends on the level of your website's neglect, so the price is determined after an SEO expert makes the conclusion. Even if the cost appears above average, it'll pay off three times more. The benefit of working with us is that revenues always exceed expenses.
The productivity of SEO website optimization depends on the quality of the collection of analytical data. Semalt offers the best analytical system, which has no analogues. The website audit Analytics is a unique service for monitoring the rating of any website. You get a detailed report of analytical data, including information on competitive sites. On the basis of the analysis, the most appropriate keywords are selected, and the semantic core is determined. All of this will be used for the successful promotion of your website. The main objectives of Analytics:
- keyword suggestion;
- keyword ranking;
- brand monitoring;
- keywords position analysis;
- competitors explorer;
- website analysis.
Analytical data collection begins after the registration on our website. Analytics runs automatically; after the collection of information, you receive a report. The report reflects your website's position on the search engine. Analytics also collects the data concerning the websites of your competitors. Analysis of third-party data shows the exact position of competitive sites in the search engine. By conducting the analysis, the system recognizes the features of the website structure and makes configurable changes, according to SEO standards. This creates a new structure, which is necessary for further optimization.
You can add different websites to your personal cabinet if you have a valid account. After adding any website, it's starting to be analyzed too. After the analysis, you get a detailed report with the analytical data of both your own and of all third-party websites. With analytical information, it becomes clear which keywords are most appropriate for the use. The system indicates only the keywords that correspond to the meaning of the content. You may also remove or add other keywords at any time. The website traffic will begin to grow rapidly after the procedure.
Analytics conducts the analytical process around the clock, tracking its progress in the search engine. Everything happens without your participation, but you always stay up to date with everything that's going on the website. Analytics gives you the opportunity to see your competitors' position and to take appropriate action in time. The system will tell you what you need to do in order to overtake the competitors in the search engine. The fact is that the position of your site in the search engine will always be a step higher. Additional convenience is achieved by using the Application Programming Interface (API). You are informed of all updates promptly because the data is automatically synchronized. Semalt offers three Analytics tariff packages:
- STANDARD — $69 per month (300 keywords, 3 projects, 3 months position history);
- PROFESSIONAL — $99 per month (1 000 keywords, 10 projects, 1 year position history);
- PREMIUM — $249 per month (10 000 keywords, unlimited projects).
Semalt additionally provides Web Development services. Specialists of the company perform the development of the commercial website in all directions. The program includes the projecting of website components, integration with third-party applications, and Content Management System. Also, it offers special e-commerce modules and APIs that are in great demand.
Promotional Videos
Video advertising is a powerful way to convey the message and idea of your brand to the audience, which will give the mightiest push to your sales. A video brings more traffic to your website than any other type of search result. Therefore, Semalt offers a special video that reflects all the benefits of the new company. Your promotional video may be created in one of the two ways: by template and by personal preference. Semalt's Promotional Video Production guarantees the unprecedented success of your business.
Semalt's short review gives you a superficial view of the benefits of collaborating with it. Actually, the article does not uncover all the working nuances. The company's rating is so high that there is no reason to doubt its unlimited abilities. We promote websites by making people rich. While some people waste their time thinking, others get richer at the expense of Semalt. We know how to make the right investment and promote your business. Don't miss your chance, simply contact us at any time. We appreciate your desire to prosper and will make it happen as soon as possible.